Watching from above.


Episode 25 “They give you purpose.”

Click photo to register for the crawl!!!

Click photo to register for the crawl!!!


Explore the foundation that the funds from the Creature Crawl are going towards.

The place that love built.


Episode 4 of A Favor for Freddie Paw’dcast “Kids on Kindness.”

Continuing his legacy

Freddie did the work of angels with his all too brief time on earth, now as a true angel, he is looking over us to carry on. He was happiest when he made others happy. There was just that moment, in which peace and smiles were shared. The world needs more of this, moments of kindness, reasons to smile.



Freddie was a gift. One that encapsulated kindness and hope from every meandering whisker to his abundant rear-end waver. We knew life would never be the same without him, but also recognized the scope of the promise he conveyed that must persist, somehow.

Guided by the mantra, “be like Freddie,” we decided to create a foundation that bestowed benefaction to charities, foundations, persons/creatures in need. The trick was discerning how and to whom to donate.

The answer came swiftly when we saw the outpouring of love we received on Freddie’s FB page, we were wrapped in a comfort blanket by those who were affected by the little one. You were our answer, you will be the cultivators of his garden of kindness.

Freddie doing pet therapy at an elementary school.

Freddie doing pet therapy at an elementary school.


Amplify the contribution to your charity, one story at a time.


“One moment can change a day,

one day can change a life

and one life can change the world.”



How this works

We will be asking YOU to email us YOUR stories at each month; of kind deeds, sharing the love, returning kindness, giving back. Our board of directors will thoughtfully read all of your narratives, select three and from there, our “Pawtreons” will choose the FAVOR(ite). Pawtreons are contributors to our non-profit.

The FAVOR(ite) will appoint where the donated contributions for the month will be allocated. They will also have their story told on A Favor for Freddie Paw’dcast, along with a phone interview of the author and phone interview with someone within the organization of charitable choice.

We felt moods shift from distressed to calm, unresponsive to aware, sad to joyful all from a simple act of Freddie kindness. Please join us in doing a favor for Freddie and keep the ball rolling.

